Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just for kicks

Douglas and I have been on a journey this summer to melt the snow from his belly. Part of that process has been him kicking the ever loving crud out of me. This does hurt and does leave a mark, but it is worth it to see Douglas make progress. He is so turbo now and it has been fun to watch him get in such great shape! We totally have created a monster for sure!

Show up and make it count!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Melting the Snow

Douglas and I continue on the journey of melting the snow from his mid section. There is a six pack under there and we are going to find it even if it kills us. Go Douglas Go!

Show up and make it count!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday Morning Training

Today was pure heaven as I was able to train with 3 of my favorite peeps. I started the morning with my dear friend Deana aka the rabbit. My sore hamstring kept us from running to much, but we did a quick 3 1/2 mile run/walk combo. Deana is looking so good and has lost another 2 pounds this week. Go Deana!

I then met my friends Runner Susan and my training buddy Doug or as I refer to him "Douglas". We met and started by running bleechers going forwards, laterals left and right, going forwards again with a few extra quick feet drills on each step and then we even threw in some bear crawls for good measure. We also did some sort of ab exercise in between each bleecher run. It was only like 5 million degrees outside which added to the intensity of it all. Runner Susan had a hankering for some sprint work so Douglas joined her on 2 of her 100's.

One of the highlights of the morning was the fact that we met this wonderful woman at the track. Her name is Marsha and she is 65 years young. This lady has it going on. She was running those bleechers and even joined Runner Susan for 2 or 3 100's. She is feisty and totally inspired all three of us. Runner Susan has some video of her and Marsha running and will post it soon.

Douglas has been training hard and in the video I make the statement that we are melting the snow. What I mean by that statement is that sometimes our six pack abs are just covered in a little extra "snow". It is my job to help Douglas melt what little snow he has left covering up that 6 pack!

Enjoy the video and remember show up and make it count!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Lesson Learned #1

My journey on the training for the Hotter Than You Know What continues. I have learned many things over the past 2 1/2 months. Let me list them for you in no particular order.

  1. The chef that writes my training program is a veteran cyclist so he writes the work-outs to reflect that experience. I on the other hand am a rookie and these work-outs are killing me!
  2. Any amount of time on the rollers is a pain in the ass...10 minutes or 2 is still a pain in the ass. Rollers are satin!
  3. Any amount of time on the bike in the wind is a pain in the ass...10 minutes or 2 is still a pain in the ass! The wind is satin!
  4. Remember to clip out when you come to a stop sign. If you are a rookie go ahead and clip out on both sides just for good measure.
  5. Remember that just because you have clipped out on both sides doesn't mean that you still won't fall over.
  6. Ducks will scare the crap out of you and make you fall over and wreck. Yes ducks!
  7. If the ducks do make you wreck and you still have 30 minutes left of your work-out you just wipe the blood off and keep going. You will be OK!
  8. Don't eat chalupas right before you go out on a bike ride. You will deeply regret it!
  9. You will get giant thunder thighs which make you have to buy bigger shorts for the summer.
  10. It is good to keep lifting weights cause it makes you stronger still. You can be tortured by a chef with the bike work-outs and by the devil in Keller and you won't die!
  11. On a more positive note...I love my bike. I can ride it for hours day after day and my knee does not hurt. It only gets stronger.

Show up and make it count!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Monthy Challenge Day

We did the monthly challenge on Monday and I remembered to grab the video camera and record a small tidbit of each exercise. We do the challenge at the beginning of each month. It is 6 different exercises that are done for 1 minute. The goal is to get as many reps as you can in the 60 second time frame. You then get to rest for 1 minute and then you do the same exercise for 60 more seconds. Again trying to do the most reps in that minute. All reps are added together at the end to give you your rep total. The video is mainly for Flatman because he wanted to see what all of the hype was about so Flatman this is for you.

Also I wanted to record these wonderful women in action. As you can tell by the video that I have all shapes, sizes, ages and fitness levels training with me. They each inspire me so much by their determination to do their very best. They are each strong in different areas as shown in the video. Leigh Ann your butt will touch that med ball. I just know it girl! Deana you are totally back on your A game. LaShonda you rocked and let me remind the internet world that this was your first time to try it. Kathy has the sweetest feet on this planet and makes that quick box sing. Lorrie is smooth as butter on the thrust thru exercise. Jill is a powerhouse even with a pounding headache. Missy is our baby and she can hold her own.

Enjoy the video and when your hubby's ask you what you are doing over there in Double you can show em'!

Show up and make it count!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hotter Than You Know What Training Part 1

HHHk Training from Runner Susan on Vimeo.

Although I have been training since February 1st with the intent to ride the Hotter Than You Know What bike race in August we just started official documentation of this adventure. Runner Susan and I hope you will find this video entertaining as well as a little informative.

Show up and make it count!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rollers Part 1

I got the new rollers and they are totally cool.
Show up and make it count!